Export cutsheet field genius
Export cutsheet field genius

selection.AutoFilter 'Apply autor filter 'the above does this: More spaces needed in columns N&M while less space needed in A & G to I Cells.Select 'now select all cells in excel 'Line 10: paste the copied records,not as a link please ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Text", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False ' Line 10 Workbooks.Add 'add new workbook in the excel Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'create an excel application object usn_subform! Item.SetFocus 'Line 2: sets the focus in the first field/record in the subformĭoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectAllRecords 'Select all the records-ie including filtred recordsĭoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy 'Copy the selected record usn_subform.SetFocus 'line 1: Selects the subform Note: I have tried with “DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet” and “DoCmd.OutputTo” but has caused a nightmare for me.īut there are different experiences and people might work around these 2 procedures, did not work well for me. more 2000 characters in memo field) and all exported and intact in cell. I have experimented with 500 words (approx. However, this will not be experience with my code, because an instance of excel application object is created and the data on the datasheet is basically copied and pasted on the spreadsheet. One of the main issues faced currently on exporting is “ truncation” of memo fields from access to excel.


I at first struggled but have come up with the following code which I wish to share as I know that people will need it for their database knowledge and projects. I have been working on a project and one of the things my client wanted was to have a nice formatted duplicate excel spreadsheet of a manually filtered sub form datasheet with all records exported including memo.

Export cutsheet field genius